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How to Write a Thesis

[Scene: It's a fine sunny day in the forest, and a rabbit is sitting outside his burrow, tippy-tapping on his typewriter. Along comes a fox, out for a walk.]
Fox: ``What are you working on?''
Rabbit: ``My thesis.''
Fox: ``Hmm. What is it about?''
Rabbit: ``Oh, I'm writing about how rabbits eat foxes.'' (Incredulous pause)
Fox: ``That's rediculous! Any fool knows that rabbits don't eat foxes!''
Rabbit: ``Sure they do, and I can prove it. Come with me!''
[They both disappear into the rabbit's burrow. After a few minutes, the rabbit returns, alone, to his typewriter and resumes typing. Soon, a wolf comes along and stops to watch the hardworking rabbit.]
Wolf: ``What's that you're writing?''
Rabbit: ``I'm doing a thesis on how rabbits eat wolves.'' (Loud guffaws)
Wolf: ``You don't expect to get such rubbish published, do you?''
Rabbit: ``No problem. Do you want to see why?''
[The rabbit and the wolf go into the burrow, and again the rabbit returns by himself, after a few minutes, and goes back to typing.]
[Scene: Inside the rabbit's burrow. In one corner, there is a pile of fox bones. In another corner, a pile of wolf bones. On the other side of the room a huge lion is belching and picking his teeth. ]
The End

  • It doesn't matter what you choose for a thesis subject.
  • It doesn't matter what you use for data.
  • What does matter is who you have for a thesis advisor.

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